Paul has served as lead counsel, co-counsel and/or a neutral in a number of complex international litigation and arbitration matters. In 2006, Paul spent over a year commuting to Taiwan representing a large technology company against its China-based competitor with parallel litigation in California and Chinese courts. Recently, Paul has served on a team representing an American-based military contractor in arbitration and parallel litigation against a Saudi Arabian-based subcontractor in an international arbitration and a parallel federal court proceeding. Paul has also handled litigation involving clients and/or opposing parties based in India, Japan and Europe. As an Adjunct Professor of Law at the US News no. 1 ranked dispute resolution program in the country, Paul has studied Cross-Cultural Dispute Resolution. He has also served as an arbitrator in several complex international arbitrations involving parties based in China, India and Japan. In light of his experience and understanding of dispute resolution in various countries and cultures, Paul is highly suited for mediating international arbitration and litigation disputes.

Mediator Paul E. Burns, Esq.
633 West 5th Street, 26th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Tel: 424-303-3066